Seventh-day Adventist 8 Guidance of Health
- Maintaining good health, helps reduce your risk of certain health problems.
- Regular physical activity reduces the rick for many diseases, help control weight, and strengthens muscles, bones, and the joints.
-Water keeps things flowing in the body, aiding in the body's natural detoxification process.
- The best-known benefit of sunlight is its ability to boost the body's vitamin D supply.
- having self control of what you put into your body.
- Fresh air is good for your digestive system, improves blood pressure and heart rate, strengthens your immune system, and clean your lungs.
- Sleep plays an important role in our physical health. Sleep in important in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessel.
- Trust in the Lord to provide you with all of your needs.
Remember, feed you body, not your stomach!
When It comes to your health,